Funeral Personalization Is Important to You and the Families You Serve
Today’s families want more personalized funeral services than ever before. The great thing is that many funeral directors are up to the task and happy to go the extra mile to make your families happy. But do potential client families know this when they view your website? Here are some simple and actionable tips for showing the families in your community just how customizable your funeral options really are.
Highlight Your Custom Services
This sounds obvious, but it’s absolutely crucial. Many if not most potential customers don’t know all of the options that are available to them. They might not even know if what they want is possible. It’s common for funeral directors to say that they’ll happily provide any service as long as it isn’t illegal or immoral. But how many people in your community actually know this?
Putting custom options front and center is a great way to let people know that their loved one doesn’t have to have a cookie-cutter funeral at your funeral home. Don’t overwhelm people, but give them a sense of the options that are available. Tell them about unique memorial services, cremation options, and nontraditional funeral offerings. You can incorporate this information into your existing services page, but you can also create a new page that is all about your personalized options.
Use Testimonials to Show Off Your Options
If personalized funerals are an important part of what your funeral home does, you’ll likely get reviews and testimonials that speak to that. Use them. It’s good when you can say customized services are valued at your funeral home. But it’s great when you can get testimonials that attest to this. For example, a review like this is worth its weight in gold: “Dave and the staff at ABC Funeral Home helped to plan a perfect funeral for my mom. They created a service that was totally ‘her.’ It captured her personality and love for life in a way that I’ve never seen at another funeral.” A review like this is great for the funeral home in general, but it’s especially useful because it shows how you can provide differentiated services for families.
Show Them How You Can Personalize Services
Good quality pictures and videos are your friend. Show potential customers examples of some of the unique funerals you’ve conducted. The main goal of this is not to directly inspire another family to have the exact same options. Instead, the point is to illustrate the range of possibilities that your funeral home is willing and able to provide. These photos are also a perfect way to show off your facilities. For example, if you’ve got a reception hall that is nicer than the wedding venues in your town, this ought to be prominently featured when you show off all your options.
Keep It Fresh
Tastes change. Preferences change. Your website needs to stay up to date to show that you’re still offering unique services that meet the needs of today’s funeral consumer. What might have appeared cutting-edge a decade ago is now either common or dated. Make sure you’re displaying recent evidence of how your funeral home is satisfying today’s consumer.
Keeping it fresh applies to your website as a whole. The lifespan of a website isn’t very long. There’s a disconnect if your website claims to offer innovative services, but it looks like it was made in the late 90s when AOL was cutting edge. If you care about funeral personalization and customization, you need a website that doesn’t look like everyone else’s. Having a personalized website reflects your commitment to personalized services.
Show What You Have to Offer
Assume your client families don’t know as much about personalized funeral options as you think they should. Undoubtedly, you spend more time thinking about funerals than the vast majority of the families you serve. Help them out. Show them that there are more options than they may have thought possible.
Funeral personalization is a great way to honor the memory of a loved one. Letting families know that the services at your funeral home can be creative and look however the family chooses opens up a world of meaningful options. But remember, in order for a family to choose these options at your funeral home, they need to know that you are committed to giving them the personalized experience they want.